Seek Me First

“Seek Me First’ means talk to God when you have problems. You can build a relationship with him.

I have heard this phrase for years, but it meant nothing to me because I didn’t really know how to do this. If you struggle with this as well, try to imagine God to be someone that is physically real, here on earth. Put him in the same category as one of your trusted friends. The next time that you are worried, have a conversation God; this can be out loud, or in your heart, or in your mind. Eventually it will feel like you are talking to one of your friends, or your trusted pet. You can talk to God in your words. It could be as simple as this:

God, I know you are out there. I’m sorry that sometimes I don’t feel that you are here, protecting me, and guiding me. I’m sorry that I have forgotten about the times that you have helped me in the past. Thank you for the many times you have helped me in the past. I need you now. Please help me with this problem I am having. I know it may seem small, but it’s really important to me. I cannot do this without your help. Please help me, and thank you. Amen.